
Clark calls for donations to quell debts

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- Former U.S. presidential candidate Wesley Clark asked his supporters Thursday to contribute to his campaign one last time so he could close out the books.

In a mass e-mail, Clark thanked his supporters for their help and asked them to send contributions of $50 or $100 dollars to help pay the leftover expenses.


"So that I may properly transfer the incredible support, energy and resources of my campaign to the eventual Democratic nominee, I need you, one of my most loyal and generous supporters, to help today," the e-mail read.

" ... Your personal contribution of $50 or $100 right now will help us close the books on my campaign and will allow us to focus our complete attention and resources on the great challenge ahead."

Clark, a retired four-star general, dropped out of the Democratic presidential race Feb. 11 after disappointing finishes in the Virginia and Tennessee primaries. As of Jan. 31 the campaign had $400,379.99 in cash on hand, according to its filing with the Federal Election Committee.

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