
Dean tackles Iraq in Iowa ads

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Presidential hopeful Howard Dean was tackling head on the Iraq war and his opponents' positions on it in a new TV ad to be broadcast starting Tuesday night.

Dean spokesman Joe Trippi said Dean would ask why other Democratic candidates didn't ask tough questions of the administration over the conflict to topple Saddam Hussein.


"Everyday we are learning more about how the Bush administration distorted and misrepresented the facts leading up to the war," Trippi said in a news release in Iowa. "It is important to remember who stood where and with whom when it counted.

"Why didn't the Washington candidates ask the tough questions when it mattered, not out here on the campaign trail?"

The 30-second ad would air in Iowa, where Dean hopes to beat Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., and Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and John Edwards of North Carolina in Iowa's Jan. 19 Democratic caucuses.

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