Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe QUINCY, Mass., Nov. 18 (UPI) -- A Massachusetts man says he has accumulated more than $17,000 in $25-per-day fines for refusing to allow condo management to poison birds on his balcony. Peter Giambro, 70, of the Marina Bay development in Quincy, said he has been receiving $25 fines each day for the past 18 months after he changed his locks to prevent managers from going on his balcony and putting out poison for birds, The Boston Herald reported Thursday. Advertisement However, property manager Dick Williams said the fines have nothing to do with the birds and instead stem from his refusal to provide a spare key to management. "It has nothing to do with poisoning," Williams said. Williams said the substance left out for birds is optional for residents and is not poisonous, but instead "disorients" the birds. Giambro said the substance, which Williams did not identify, is dangerous for the birds. "The birds go to fly, and they crash land. I don't know how you can justify that," he said.