
'Spider-Man' reopens amid safety concerns

NEW YORK, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- "Spider-Man" reopened in New York amid fan trepidation and concern over promises of safety surrounding the multimillion-dollar production, authorities say.

Although the $65 million show went off smoothly Thursday night at Broadway's Foxwoods Theatre, some theatergoers held their collective breaths, the New York Daily News reported Friday.


"I was scared for them," show goer Pia Fleming, 55, said. "It makes you nervous every time they fly."

One attendee was sanguine about the accident which sent the titular aerialist played by Christopher Tierney falling into the orchestra pit at the end of Monday night's performance breaking his ribs, the News said.

"They're learning as they go along," Perry Kuehn, 39, said.

The newspaper said no cast member was heard to utter the, previously good luck, show business phrase, "break a leg."

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