
Celebrities react to California earthquake

Hollywood's elite did not appreciate Mother Nature's wake-up call.

By Aileen Graef

After a 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck California, celebrities took to Twitter to tell of their distressing St. Patrick's Day tremor.

Patton Oswalt seemed to have fun with the morning bounce and wanted to discuss the last episode of Girls since his fellow Los Angeles residents were roused by the quake.


Nathan Fillion would like you to please stop disturbing his Castle beauty sleep. He quickly recovered with a shaken, not stirred St. Patrick's Day libation.

Kendall Jenner is confused that her mom, Kris, thinks one can run from an earthquake.

And Hollywood reporter Sam Rubin was on it when he reassured us all that the 310 area code received no damage.


We all have our celebrities to thank for reporting the event and sacrificing their important beauty slumbers.


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