
3-D films making comeback

HOLLYWOOD, March 26 (UPI) -- Digital technology gives director James Cameron and other Hollywood filmmakers all the tools he said are needed to make 3-D films that really wow moviegoers.

Cameron, director of "Aliens," the "Terminator" series and, of course, "Titanic," says he will release "Avatar" only in 3-D, the Times of London said Monday. And there will be no cheesy special effects -- visible only by wearing cardboard glasses - like those horror movies of the '50s and '60s shot on traditional film.


"My goal is to rekindle those amazing mystical moments my generation felt when we first saw '2001: A Space Odyssey,' or the next generation's 'Star Wars,'" Cameron said when announcing his latest project earlier this year.

DreamWorks Animation, which produced "Ants," "Shrek" and "Madagascar" said this month that by 2009 all of its films will be 3-D. It's not just filmmakers jumping on the multidimensional format. Musicians such as U2 and Gwen Stefani are experimenting with it, as are producers of live sporting events.

About 680 screens worldwide can handle the format and the number could reach 1,000 by the end of this year.


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