
UTC provdes aftermarket services for French helicopters

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 5 (UPI) -- Helicopters used to train French military pilots are to receive aftermarket service from U.S. company UTC Aerospace Systems.

The contract was given by HeliDax SAS, which operates one of the world's largest fleets of Eurocopter EC120 aircraft.


Under a contract, UTC's Actuation Systems business unit will provide flight controls and hydraulic operational support based on an aircraft's flying hours, as well as consignment stock at the HeliDax SAS facility to aid daily operations.

HeliDax in 2008 was given a 22-year contract from the French Ministry of Defense for training pilots and its 36 EC120s log as much as 22,000 flying hours per year doing so.

"Helping customers to support their strategies and provide innovative solutions to manage their maintenance spending, asset requirements and repair needs more effectively is at the heart of the business," said Andreas Schell, president of UTC's Actuation Systems. "I am delighted that HeliDax SAS recognizes the value this agreement can provide in managing its fleet."

The value and length of the contract were not disclosed.

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