
New Zealand police tool goes commercial

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Aug. 7 (UPI) -- A New Zealand police system for analyzing electronic devices for intelligence and evidence is to be commercialized.

The technology, called Environment for Virtualized Evidence, was developed in 2007.


EVE creates a virtual copy of a device -- such as a mobile phone, a computer or a digital storage device -- and provides the data to officials while original material remains in its original form in the original device.

Commercialization of the product is to be undertaken by the Wynyard Group, an international company specializing in intelligence-led risk management solutions.

"The New Zealand Police is leading the world in digital forensics with its EVE technology," said Wynyard Group Chief Executive Officer Craig Richardson.

"It has solved a growing problem -- the cost effective, rapid, forensically safe capture, processing and search of digital evidence from seized mobile and storage devices."

The Wynyard Group bought EVE from the New Zealand Police and has integrated its own criminal intelligence technology.

"Together with the New Zealand Police, we've developed a game changing product for the billion-dollar global cybercrime, forensic imaging, validation and analysis market," Richardson said.

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