
Volvo to improve Gripen engines

TROLLHäTTAN, Sweden, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- Sweden's Volvo Aero AB plans to increase the thrust produced by RM12 engines used on Gripen fighters, the company said.

A number of technical solutions to do so were presented this week at a major international aero engine conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.


Volvo said its intent is to increase thrust by 2-15 percent, depending on customer requirements, through development of a new or modified fan providing an increased mass flow through the engine and a new turbine with materials able to withstand higher temperatures and an increased cooling flow.

Volvo Aero said its engineers will achieve this by adapting and modifying a more recent version of the turbine from General Electric.

"We have stated previously that it is possible to significantly increase the thrust of the existing RM12 engine at a very competitive cost," said Henrik Runnemalm, head of research at Volvo Aero.

"We will then have a more powerful and economical engine. It also means that we can upgrade the 220 engines that the air force already has while maintaining engine competence within the country."

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