
Navy, Lockheed test tactical satellite

SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 15 (UPI) -- The U.S. Navy and defense company Lockheed Martin said they completed testing of the first satellite for the next generation of tactical communications.

The partnership said the successful test was a "milestone" for the first satellite in the Mobile User Objective System program. The MUOS gives soldiers the technology needed to use mobile technology such as simultaneous voice, video and data communication.


Testing verified that system components of the satellite and the launch vehicle worked together.

Lockheed has plans to conduct critical environment testing to validate the overall system design.

"This is another huge step forward in our efforts to achieve operational excellence and mission success on this critical military communication program," said Mark Pasquale, Lockheed Martin's MUOS vice president, in a statement.

The U.S. Navy takes control over the MUOS satellite program and the associated ground system in 2011.

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