
Job recovery is playing favorites

WASHINGTON, March 21 (UPI) -- A Hispanic or Asian foreign-born male has fared better than most in jobs recovered after the U.S. recession, a research agency said.

The Pew Hispanic Center said Wednesday Hispanics and Asians had done better than blacks or whites, males had done better than females and foreign-born workers had done better than native-born when it comes to job recovery since June 2009, when the recession officially ended.


However, while employment for Hispanics, Asians and immigrants grew 6.5 percent, 6.8 percent and 5.2 percent, respectively, job growth just about matched population growth, the research group said.

Respectively, population growth has been 6 percent, 6.2 percent and 3.8 percent for Hispanics, Asian and foreign-born workers, a study found.

At the same time, men have gained 2.6 million jobs since the end of the recession, while women have gained 600,000.

There are two reasons for the disparity, the research group said.

First, as jobs are beginning to return to the economy, public sector job growth has been slower than the private sector because, as those jobs rely on a healthy tax base, government budgets, on a delay compared with the private sector, have also declined. That affects more women than men.


Second, men lost many more jobs than women during the recession, so the recovery, in turn, appears to be favoring men.

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