
Kendall Jenner tweets back response to Frances Bean Cobain insult

Frances Bean Cobain (File/UPI Photo/Jim Ruymen)
1 of 2 | Frances Bean Cobain (File/UPI Photo/Jim Ruymen) | License Photo

Kendall Jenner was insulted over Twitter earlier this week by Frances Bean Cobain, the daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love.

But she had not yet responded -- until now.


Jenner sent out a tweet wishing her life was easier, which opened her up to a barrage of Twitter backlash from Cobain and the Twitter hivemind. Critics called her "self-involved" and "ungrateful."

Jenner has been in the limelight for some time from her reality-TV stardom in the "Kardashians" franchise and subsequent modeling career. Jenner is a 17-year-old whose 17-year-old problems are on display for the world.

The tweet got to Cobain in particular, who said "i'd rather be a scumbag than a [expletive] idiot." Cobain further left a stream of what she said Jenner's problems rank below: "oh ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death."

Jenner came back with a response today, asking why Cobain, 20, is in a place to judge her.

"I am aware that I am very privileged and blessed, and i'm thankful for that everyday, i know there are greater problems in the world," Jenner tweeted.

"I pray for those people every night and give back as much as i can. so who are u to judge me?"


She ended the feud for now, leaving Cobain with "an individual's feelings are relative to their environment. you don't know me, you don't even know what I was referring to."

Cobain has not yet responded.

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