
Matt Lauer pokes fun at his reputation, says he's less popular than polio

UPI/John Angelillo
UPI/John Angelillo | License Photo

Matt Lauer, the beleaguered host of NBC's "Today" show, has struggled to regain his footing since Ann Curry's departure made it hard for the public to see him as anything but a bully. Recent reports about network infighting and NBC's plans to replace him have only fueled the negative press. But at least Lauer knows he has a bit of an image problem.

Asked to host an event honoring Bloomberg Media Group CEO Andrew Lack, Lauer said he was surprised he got the gig.


If you’ve been following the papers lately, you know it’s been a bit rough for me. These days, I only get asked to host dinners if polio is busy. Yup, I have a lower Q rating than polio right now," Lauer said, according to the New York Post.

“Katie has a way of making headlines," Lauer said later, when he introduced his former colleague Katie Couric. "Who can forget when she was co-host of the ‘Today’ show? She got a colonoscopy on TV. Not to be outdone, two weeks ago, I got one in The New York Times.”

He was referring to a New York Times report about his Q score -- the way television networks measure likability -- which had dropped dramatically since Ann Curry joined the "Today" show in 2011.


According to some reports, NBC brass is considering replacing Lauer with Anderson Cooper by 2014.

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