
We the People... of Planet Alderaan?

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Imagine you're unhappy with the government. A republic that once stood strong for freedom grows increasingly authoritarian. Conflict and crisis becomes a means for a power-hungry senator to grab power for himself, against the wishes of a majority of citizens.

This leader literally threatens the very existence of the country you love. What to do?


Sign a petition, of course.

This, in essentials, is the origin story of the Galactic Empire of the Star Wars films and books. But for many Americans, it's President (and former Senator) Barack Obama, not Senator Palpatine, that threatens the very fabric of freedom, and his reelection is a sign of the coming destruction of American values.

Citizens in all 50 states have now signed petitions on the White House site, We the People, seeking peaceful withdrawal from the U.S.

While those petitions are unlikely to lead to any major redrawing of national borders, one concerned citizen has filed a "We the People" petition that could literally save the lives of millions.

"As a trusted member of the Imperial Senate, we the delegation of Alderaan are asking that as a sign of good faith toward the will of the people of the galaxy, the Empire respect our wishes and allow Alderaan to peacefully exit the empire, acting as a model for other star systems to follow should they freely choose," Mark H. writes.


WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: peacefully grant the Planet of Alderaan to withdraw from the Galactic Empire and create its own new government. The Galactic Empire has become a shell of it's former self. Democracy no longer rules the galaxy and it has become obvious that those star systems who wish to have a representative voice must find a new way to govern themselves. As a trusted member of the Imperial Senate, we the delegation of Alderaan are asking that as a sign of good faith toward the will of the people of the galaxy, the Empire respect our wishes and allow Alderaan to peacefully exit the empire, acting as a model for other star systems to follow should they freely choose.

We trust that the Emperor still listens to reason and to the people, and we certainly hope that the arrival of this new small moon that has just started orbiting our planet is a sign of hope and prosperity for all the citizens of Alderaan.

Although the petition has a way to go before it reaches the minimum of 25,000 signatures to warrant response from the Obama administration, one hopes the Imperial Senate will grant this reasonable request before...


Oh well.

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