
Obama urges young people to give a new look

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- President Obama urged young people to give the website a second chance in an MSNBC interview taped at Washington's American University.

The president acknowledged the website got off to a rocky start and said he could understand why young people would avoid it.


"Because of some very hard work, we've now got it to the point where for the vast majority of people, it's working well," he said. "And my message to young people is take a look for yourself."

The interview was for MSNBC's "Hardball." Obama told Chris Matthews documents leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed "some areas of legitimate concern." But he said some of the material has been "highly sensationalized."

Outside U.S. borders, the NSA does not have the constraints it does on its home turf, Obama said.

"I'll be proposing some constraints on the NSA," he said.

Matthews asked Obama about two potential Democratic candidates in 2016, Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


"Not a chance am I going there," Obama said, adding both would be "outstanding presidents."

Obama said history will treat both kindly, with Biden remembered as "one of the best vice presidents ever." For good measure, he said Clinton will be called "one of the finest secretaries of state we've ever had."

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