
Obama tours former Nazi concentration camp

BUCHENWALD, Germany, June 5 (UPI) -- Buchenwald, the former Nazi concentration camp, "is the ultimate rebuke" to those who deny the Holocaust, U.S. President Barack Obama said Friday.

"These sites have not lost their horror," Obama said after touring Buchenwald and seeing its watchtowers and crematory ovens. "More than half a century later, our grief and our outrage over what happened have not diminished."


Obama had toured the camp, today a memorial, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and two survivors, Bertrand Herz and Nobel Laureate Eli Wiesel. The group laid white roses at the death camp.

The Nazis murdered an estimated 56,000 people, mainly Jews, in this camp near the eastern German city of Weimar.

"We Germans are united by the strong will that such a thing can never happen again," Merkel said.

U.S. troops liberated Buchenwald on April 11, 1945. Obama's great-uncle Charles Payne helped free Ohrdruf, a nearby satellite camp to Buchenwald.

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