
AARP supports importing prescription drugs

WASHINGTON, June 15 (UPI) -- AARP, the largest U.S. senior citizens' lobby, said Tuesday it endorses federal legislation to legalize importing cheap prescription drugs.

CNN reported AARP spokesman Steve Hahn said the group will endorse a bill sponsored by Sens. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and John McCain, R-Ariz.


"We will aggressively work for passage," said Hahn.

AARP supported President George W. Bush's Medicare bill last year. Bush then said the legislation would result in lower prescription costs for senior citizens and would make the importing of prescriptions from Canada and other counties unnecessary.

However, there has been confusion about the Medicare bill -- including an announcement last week by the Department of Agriculture that poor seniors could lose some of their food stamp benefits if they sign up for a $600 drug credit.

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