
Official: U.S. radar threatens Russia

MOSCOW, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- Elements of the U.S. missile defense system positioned in the Czech Republic and Poland threaten Russia, the commander of Russian Space Forces said.

"Deployment of American radiolocation systems in the Czech Republic and of a position area in Poland is dangerous for Russia," said Col.-Gen. Vladimir Popovkin, reported RIA Novosti, the Russian news agency. "First of all, because our strategic nuclear forces will be visible."


The United States has long considered deploying elements of a missile defense system to the Czech Republic and Poland with the stated aim of countering threats from a nuclear Iran and North Korea.

Poland has yet to decide whether it will allow the deployment of the radar elements on its territory.

The United States has offered to send a missile defense system to the Czech Republic. If the Czechs accept, the radar may be operational by 2011, according to RIA Novosti.

The European component of the U.S. missile defense program is expected to cost $1.6 billion over the next five years, RIA Novosti reported. Eventually, U.S. officials hope to expand the program by constructing sea and space elements in addition to the land-based radar.


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