
Serbian security faces review over Mladic

BELGRAD, Serbia, June 19 (UPI) -- Serbia's Parliamentary Defense and Security Council is to review the work of the Security Information Agency over the last six months.

Serbian Parliamentary Speaker Predrag Markovic announced the meeting to discuss the agency's work because the president and deputy president of the Defense and Security Council are members of the Radical Party of Serbia and the Democratic Party, both of which are boycotting Parliament at present.


B92 radio reported on June 19 that among the issues under review is the continuing failure to track down wanted Serbian war criminals, particularly Ratko Mladic.

The president of the Hague Cooperation Council, Rasim Ljajic, admitted that available information indicates Mladic was hiding in Serbia between 1997 and 2005.

Ljajic said, "If we know that Mladic is not here, then we have to give them his exact location. Facts stated that he was in Serbia for the most part of the years in between 1997 and 2005. Therefore, we do not have any information that states that he is in another country. Of course, if we found out that he was in another country, and convinced the international community of this, we would be taking at least some of the responsibility off our shoulders. The second important moment is that we have, more or less, uncovered the locations at which he was staying during the mentioned period of 1997-2005. We thought that this information would be enough to bring us to Mladic, but it did not turn out that way. The civil and military services will have to continue looking for him."


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