
Epic rant in Broward Bond Court leads Florida judge to hand down year in jail

Christopher Colon tells Judge John "Jay" Hurley that he "can go [expletive]" himself.

By Evan Bleier
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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., June 12 (UPI) -- Words may not be able to break bones, but they can get you tossed in jail.

During an appearance in Broward Bond Court on Thursday, a domestic violence suspect received nearly a year in jail for ranting at a judge after he was denied pre-trial release from jail.


Christopher Colon was sentenced to 364 days in jail after Judge John "Jay" Hurley declared him in contempt of court.

Hurley denied the 27-year-old pre-trial release on a domestic battery charge and that was when the fun began.

Colon told the judge, "Then I'll see you guys again with a lawyer and a lawsuit too," and walked away.

The judge instructed Colon to come back and he did -- with a vengeance.

"And you can go [expletive] yourself too," Colon said. He then repeated that everyone could "suck his [expletive]" a number of times.

Colon was then told that he was going to be held in contempt of court if he kept it up.

"I don't give a [expletive]. Go ahead, I have lawyers," Colon responded. He then started railing about "pussy-ass crackers" trying to put away African-Americans and Hispanics.


Colon went on to mention Hitler and laughed as Hurley calmly told him he'd basically be spending the next year in jail. "[Expletive] you," was Colon's closing remark.

He'll now have a year to think about whether he would've liked to end with something a little more creative.

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