
Booklist -- UPI Arts & Entertainment

By United Press International
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Hardcover Fiction

1. The Lovely Bones: A Novel -- Alice Sebold, 100


2. The Emporer of Ocean Park -- Stephen L. Carter, 85

3. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress -- Sijie Dai, 48

4. The First Billion -- Christopher Reich, 45

5. Stone Kiss -- Faye Kellerman, 35

6. Charleston: A Novel -- John Jakes, 27

7. Red Rabbit -- Tom Clancy, 23

8. Shadow Puppets -- Orson Scott Card, 23

9. The Nanny Diaries: A Novel -- Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus, 22

10. Unift to Practice -- Perri O'Shaughnessy, 19

Hardcover Nonfiction

1. Let's Roll: Finding Hope in the Midst of Crisis -- Lisa Beamer, Ken Abraham (Contributor), 100

2. The Perricone Prescription -- Nicholas Perricone, 74

3. Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Devine Potential -- Caroline Myss, 67

4. A Mind at a Time -- Mel Levine, 37

5. Haley's Cleaning Hints -- Graham Haley, Rosemary Haley, 31

6. Haley's Hints: A Compilation -- Graham Haley, et al, 27

7. There's No Place Like Hope: A Guide to Beating Cancer in Mind-Sized Bites: A Book of Hope, Help and Inspiration for Cancer Patients and Their Families -- Vickie Girard, Dan Zadra (Editor), 23


8. Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism -- Sean Hannity, 21

9. A Thousand Days in Venice: An Unexpected Romance -- Marlena Di Blasi, 17

10. Never Forget: An Oral History of September 11, 2001 -- Mitchell Fink, Lois Mathias, 16

Trade Paperbacks

1. A Lesson Before Dying -- Ernest J. Gaines, 100

2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association -- American Psychological Association, 82

3. The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc: A Novel -- Loraine Despres, 60

4. The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher -- Harry K. Wong, Rosemary Tripi Wong, 59

5. 501 Spanish Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses in a New, Easy-to-Learn Format Alphabetically Aranged -- Christopher Kendris, 56

6. Pearl -- John Steinbeck, 52

7. It's Not About the Bike -- Lance Armstrong, 51

8. Official 2002 National Football League Record & Fact Book -- National Football League, 44

9. 30-Minute Meals -- Rachael Ray (Introduction), Dan Dinicola (Introduction), 42

10. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (5th Edition) -- Joseph Gibaldi, 38

Mass Market Paperbacks


1. To Kill a Mockingbird -- Harper Lee, 100

2. The Bachelor -- Carly Phillips, 69

3. Purity In Death -- J.D. Robb, Nora Roberts, 54

4. The American Heritage College Dictionary: Fourth Edition -- Dell Publishing Company, Joseph P. Pickett (Preface), 52

5. Animal Farm (50th Anniversary Edition) -- George Orwell, 49

6. The Scarlet Letter -- Nathaniel Hawthorne, 47

7. Mythology -- Edith Hamilton, 43

8. The Two Towers -- J.R.R. Tolkien, 39

9. Fahrenheit 451 -- Ray Bradbury, 35

10. Lair of the Lion -- Christine Feehan, 34

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