
Mideast summit meeting mooted

TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak indicated Thursday that a summit meeting among Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian and Egyptian leaders is likely once Israelis and Palestinians exchange prisoners.

Addressing a press conference in Sharm el-Seikh, at the end of his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Mubarak noted that Olmert had mentioned the possibility of a summit.


Mubarak and Olmert met shortly after a bloody clash in the West Bank town of Ramallah when an Israeli unit went to arrest what Olmert called, "A terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis."

A gun battle erupted in Ramallah's central Manara Square, Palestinians hurled firebombs cinderblocks and rocks, four Palestinians were killed, 20 people were wounded and four soldiers were injured.

Mubarak stressed Egypt opposes all violent activities. Peace is the key to security, he stated.

Olmert expressed readiness to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas any time for "a serious dialogue...that would enable the achievement of peace." However the Palestinian government comprises people who openly oppose negotiations and peace with Israel. Olmert said Israel adheres to the cease-fire agreement in Gaza even though "terrorists from the other side violate it time and again."


Only one or two people are shooting the Qassam rockets, Mubarak argued.

Olmert complained that arms were smuggled from Egypt into the Gaza Strip and that there have been attempts to smuggle money across the Rafah Crossing. He was referring to Palestinian government attempts to bring cash since the international community has halted aid to it.

"I know these things trouble the Egyptian president as well and that Egypt will make a special effort to stop it."

However Mubarak noted there is no way to guarantee no weapons will cross. Someone who declares the amount of money he brings into Egypt cannot be legally prevented from taking it out, he added.

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