
'Blue Collar Comedy Tour' to roll again

LOS ANGELES, July 19 (UPI) -- Comedy Central's "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" is getting ready to roll a third time.

A deal was announced Tuesday between the cable network and the management company representing comics Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy for another tour as well as several specials and a series pilot, Variety reported.


Comedy Central's Michele Ganeless said the "Blue Collar" shows and specials were among the highest rated and brought a new audience to the laugh network.

"We've been pretty proactive about opening up the spectrum and the kinds of people we're working with, and we've been working to get this deal done for a while now," she said.

The network will again record the comics as they perform live for a special called "Blue Collar Comedy Tour, One for the Road."

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