
'Da Vinci Code' taps Lincoln Cathedral

LINCOLN, England, May 24 (UPI) -- England's Lincoln Cathedral has been picked for the climactic scenes for the film version of Dan Brown's controversial bestseller, "The Da Vinci Code."

Sony Pictures movie starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou begins shooting in June and moves in August to the cathedral, which is being paid $180,000, the Times of London reported Tuesday.


The church will be made to look like Westminster Abbey, which rejected hosting filming of the "fictitious" book that riled Roman Catholics with its portrayal of Opus Dei as a mafia-style organization and the theory that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene.

Lincoln Cathedral has its own darker side, the so-called Lincoln Imp -- a carving legend says was a small devil blown in by the wind and turned into stone by the angels.

The Lincoln Imp has been blamed for everything from sex scandals to the misfortunes of the Lincoln City soccer team.

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