
Beverly Sills' female stalker arrested

NEW YORK, May 21 (UPI) -- New York police arrested a crazed woman who showed up at the Metropolitan Opera wanting to marry opera legend Beverly Sills, it was reported Friday.

Victoria Glover, 39, was arrested Tuesday at the Met's stage door, after saying: "I am Jesus Emmanuel. I want to see Beverly Sills. I came here to marry her," the New York Post said.


Sills, 74, reportedly knew of the stalker's actions, which have gone on for several months, telling prosecutors "she has experienced fear for her physical safety as a result of the defendant's actions."

Glover, an unemployed truck driver from Detroit, allegedly had been sending letters and making phone calls declaring her love for Sills since last fall. The correspondence was received at the Met, where Sills is chairwoman of the Met's board.

The calls could come twice a week, stop entirely for months, then start up again with several per day, but the message was always the same.

"I love you," said one letter. "Please marry me, Beverly, so I don't go mad. I can't live without a woman. I want no one but you," one letter said.


"Don't worry," Glover allegedly wrote. "God said we can be married."

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