
Navy, Raytheon test Griffin in maritime environment

TUCSON, Sept. 27 (UPI) -- Raytheon said its multiplatform Griffin missile has proved its worth in maritime environments, successfully engaging fast-moving small boats in at-sea trials

The testing -- conducted by Raytheon and the U.S. Navy in California -- completed a quick reaction assessment that will lead to the Griffin's deployment this year on coastal patrol ships.


"The Griffin missile is ideally suited for protecting Navy ships against the increasing small boat threat," said Harry Schulte, vice president of Air Warfare Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. "Griffin is fully developed, lightweight and precise. It is designed with confined lethality to minimize collateral effects and maximize operational effectiveness."

The Griffin is 43 inches long, weighs 33 pounds and carries a 13-pound warhead. It comes in two variants: the AGM-176A designed for employment from platforms such as the C-130 ejection from the aft of the aircraft, and the Griffin BGM-176B, a forward-firing missile launched by rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft and maritime platforms.

Raytheon said in one of the recent tests, the MK-60 Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile System was integrated on a Cyclone-class Patrol Coastal-class ship and successfully engaged small boat threats.


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