
Putin demands Brits return Zakayev

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, July 20 (UPI) -- The latest development in Russia's battle with Chechen separatists takes place abroad, and is a battle of extradition.

Russian security forces battling Chechen separatists scored a great victory when on July 10 they killed Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev. The Russian government is now stepping up pressure on foreign governments that have granted asylum to Chechen political leaders.


Radio Golos Rossii reported Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists in St. Petersburg that he was requesting that Britain extradite Chechen diplomat Akhmed Zakayev, who has received political asylum in the country.

Putin said that Russia had "exhaustive proof, including video footage" of Zakayev's criminal activities, adding, "You don't have to roam archives; we have evidence, videos of his criminal activities."

Putin complained that terrorists manipulated foreign legal systems and courts, "making use of them to destroy civilized countries ... when we are told, 'let's bring up the subject of Syria', or Iran, or any more countries that cover foreign terrorists, why not mention other countries as well?"

Since late 2003, Zakayev has been living in Britain after being granted political asylum. Seven times the Russian government has requested Zakayev's extradition, but British judges have so far been unconvinced by the evidence.


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