
London launches green homes initiative

LONDON, March 2 (UPI) -- Plans to develop so-called green homes will reduce foreign energy dependency and tackle climate change, the British energy secretary said Tuesday.

A strategy unveiled by the British government Tuesday aims to expand the use of "smart meters," making it easier for consumers to reduce bills and cut their energy usage.


"This shows we can meet the national interest of tackling climate change and reducing our dependence on foreign energy at the same time as we help people save money," said British Energy and Climate Secretary Ed Miliband.

The "Warm Homes, Greener Homes Strategy" includes legislation that allows homeowners to use a pay-as-you-save loan scheme that lowers up-front costs. Low-income tenants will receive free energy upgrades.

"Making homes more energy efficient will help protect people from upward pressure on bills, tackle climate change, and make us less reliant on imported energy," said Miliband.

London's energy efficiency plans brought new green technology to 5 million homes from 2002-08. The new green homes strategy aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in British homes by 29 percent by 2020.

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