
Graveyard solar panels power Spanish town

SANTA COLOMA DE GRAMENET, Spain, Nov. 24 (UPI) -- The city of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain, is now getting much of its power from solar panels set up in the graveyard.

While many towns and homes around the world get power from the sun, in Santa Coloma de Gramenet the solar panels are mounted on mausoleums in the town's graveyard, The Scotsman reported.


In that region of Spain, large tracts of flat, open land are difficult to come by, and the town found the graveyard was the only appropriate spot.

There are 462 panels installed that generate enough electricity to power about 60 homes.

"The best tribute we can pay to our ancestors, whatever your religion may be, is to generate clean energy for new generations," said Esteve Serret, director of Conste-Live Energy.

The solar panels take up about 5 percent of the total surface area in the cemetery. The panels are expected to prevent about 62 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

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