
Poll: Swedes prefer programs over less tax

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 10 (UPI) -- A high percentage of those responding to a survey in Sweden indicated a willingness to pay higher taxes to maintain social welfare programs, an official said.

The study, undertaken by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, indicated 90 percent of Swedes would favor high quality social welfare to decreased taxes, The Local reported.


"It shows that there is great confidence in our sector's work," Anette Akesson, a member of the association's welfare financing committee, said in a statement.

The government expects a higher demand and higher costs for social programs. The population of Sweden is expected to increase by 870,000 by 2030 with only a small margin -- 75,000 -- of those still actively working, the report said.

That means a smaller percentage of workers will be paying taxes to maintain programs for more non-working citizens. The association predicted a tax increase of 10 percent by 2030 to keep the country's social programs going, the report said.


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