
TV 'Super Nannies' concept challenged

NEW YORK, Aug. 2 (UPI) -- Pediatricians and child development experts are questioning the methods used in two nanny-based television reality shows.

"Nanny 911," is a Fox show that began last fall, while "Supernanny," made its debut in January on ABC. Both feature nannies that step in to restore discipline in families where children have run amok.


"I've been working with parents for 25 years, and the families on these shows definitely are not typical," said Nancy Samalin, a parent educator in Manhattan and the author of "Loving Without Spoiling and 100 Other Timeless Tips for Raising Terrific Kids."

"There are times when the nannies use the word 'bad,' and I don't like labeling kids," Samalin told the New York Times.

Dr. Deborah Borchers, a pediatrician in private practice in Cincinnati, said she was concerned about long-term effects on the children.

"As the children get older, they'll watch the videotape of the shows of them being portrayed as brats, and they'll be embarrassed," she said.

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