

Gavin Scott (born 1950) is a novelist, broadcaster and writer of the Emmy-winning mini-series The Mists of Avalon, DreamWorks’ Small Soldiers, Working Title’s The Borrowers and Sci Fi’s Legend of Earthsea, spent ten years making films for British television before becoming a screenwriter, creating more than two hundred documentaries and short films for BBC and the commercial TV, including UK’s prestigious Channel 4. His first assignment in the United States was with George Lucas, developing and scripting The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.

His work ranges from family entertainment (Dangerous Archeologists) to comedy (The Suit, The Book, The Film and the T-Shirt) science fiction and historical dramas.

Scott wrote “Krakatoa”, a Titanic-style movie for National Geographic Feature Films, and has recently completed an eight hour adaptation of War and Peace for Lux Vida SPA, directed by Robert Dornhelm (Into the West, The Ten Commandments).

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