World News

Police foil plot to attack school in southwest Russia

By Clyde Hughes   |   Feb. 26, 2020 at 11:48 AM

Feb. 26 (UPI) -- Authorities have arrested two teenage boys who were plotting a shooting attack at a school in southwestern Russia, investigators said Wednesday.

Moscow's Federal Security Service said it arrested the 14-year-old boys and found at least one gun at an abandoned bomb shelter in Saratov, which is located about 430 miles southeast of Moscow. Officials said they were planning to use a shotgun and an "incendiary mixture" in the attack.


The FSS said one of the boys made a video that described a coming attack in May, which he said would be an act of revenge. One of the boys planned to kill at least 40 people, his accomplice said.

Authorities said the teens often visited online communities that promote mass murder and suicide, and planned to build bombs with information they found on the Internet.

"The thwarted attack was organized by two Russian citizens born in 2005," the FSS said.

"The teenagers were nabbed at an abandoned bomb shelter, where they kept a sawed-off hunting shotgun."