
The 30 abortion clinic arson and bombing attacks between...

By   |   Jan. 4, 1985

WASHINGTON -- The 30 abortion clinic arson and bombing attacks between May 29, 1982, and Jan. 3, 1985, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The attacks have caused more than $2.9 million in damage.

1. May 29, 1982: St. Petersburg, Fla., Health Center, $122,000 arson damage. Arsonists in prison.

2. May 29, 1982: Clearwater, Fla., Bread and Roses Clinic, $340,000 arson damage. Arsonists in prison.

3. June 6, 1982: Arlington, Va., Arlington-Fairfax Medical Center, $18,000 in bomb damage. Bombers in prison.

4. May 26, 1983: Norfolk, Va., Hillcrest Clinic, $250,000 in arson damage. Arsonist in prison.

5. Dec. 3, 1983 Everett, Wash., Feminist Women's Health Clinic, $45,000 in arson damage. Arsonists in prison.

6. Jan. 13-14, 1984: Dover, Del., Repdocutive Care Center, $100,000-plus damage caused by an inciendiary device. Under investigation.

7. Feb. 17, 1984: Norfolk, Va., Hillcrest Clinic, $1,000 in damage from an explosive device. Under investigation.

8. Feb. 28, 1984: College Park, Md., Prince George's Reproductive Health Center, $100,000 in arson damage. Under investigation.

9. March 4, 1984: Bellingham, Wash., Family Practice Clinic, $70,000 damage from an incendiary device. Bombers in prison.

10. March 26, 1984: Everett, Wash., Feminist Women's (remainder of name unknown), $10,000 in arson damage. Bombers in prison.

11. April 19, 1984: Everett, Wash., Feminist Women's (remainder of name unknown), $55,000 in arson damage. Bombers in prison.

12. June 25, 1984: Pensacola, Fla., Ladies Center, $200,000 in bomb damage. Arrests made.

13. July 4, 1984: Washington, D.C., National Abortion Federation headquarters, $40,000 bombing. Under investigation.

14. July 7, 1984: Annapolois, Md., Planned Parenthood, $50,000 bombing. Under investigation.

15. Aug. 20, 1984: Houston, Texas, AB Clinic, $30,000 damage from an incendiary device. Under investigation.

16. Sept. 7, 1984: Houston, Texas, Abortion Assistance West-Loop Clinic, $10,000 damage from an Incendiary device. Under investigation.

17. Sept. 7, 1984: Houston, Texas, Women's Outpatient Clinic. Moderate damage from an incendiary device. Under investigation.

18. Sept. 8, 1984: Beechnut, Texas, Concerned Women's Center. Minimum damage from attempted arson. Under investigation.

19. Sept. 9, 1984: Webster, Texas, Clear Lake Women's Car Clinic. Minimum damage from attempted arson. Under investigation.

20. Sept. 13, 1984: Atlanta, Ga., Family Planning Services, $5,000 damage from an incendiary device.Under investigation.

21. Sept. 13, 1984: San Diego, Calif., Birth Control Institute, $125,000 damage from arson. Under investigation.

22. Sept. 20, 1984: Marietta, GA., Planned Parenthood Center of Cobb County, $8,000 damage from a Molotov cocktail. Under investigation.

23. Nov. 11, 1984: Houston, Texas, Dr. Whitfield and Clemmons offices. $40,000 danage from fire. Under investigation.

24. Nov. 19, 1984: Rockville, Md., Planned Parenthood of Wheaton, $50,000 damage from bombing. Under investigation.

25. Nov. 19, 1984: Wheaton, Md., Metro Medical and Women's Clinic, $300,000 damaage from bombing. Under investigation.

26. Dec. 24, 1984: Suitland, Md., Metropolitan Family Life Planning Clinic, $100,000 - $200,000 damage from a bomb. Under investigation.

27. Dec. 25, 1984: Pensacola, Fla., Ladies Center-S.H.E., $100,000 damage from a bomb. Arrests made.

28. Dec. 25, 1984: Pensacola, Fla., Dr. Permenter's offices, $225,000 damage from a bomb. Arrests made.

29. Dec. 25, 1984: Pensacola, Fla., Dr. Bagenholm's offices, $100,000 damage from a bomb. Arrests made.

30. Jan. 1, 1985: Washington, D.C., Hillcrest Women's Surgi-Center, $400,000-plus in bombing damage.