
Indochina War comes to halt

By United Press   |   August 11, 1954

SAIGON, Indochina -- Fighting stopped in all of Indochina today for the first time in almost eight years.

Peace came to the war-torn peninsula when the cease-fire negotiated at Geneva last July 2 went into effect in south Viet Nam.

The war had ended earlier in a stage-by-stage process in northern Viet Nam, which will be turned over to the Comunist Indochinese this winter; central Viet Nam, and the kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia.

French high command spokes men in Hanoi and Saigon said there were no reports of cease-fire violation.

The last official military action was the seizure of two small posts near Saigon by Communist troops a few hours before the cease-fire became effective.

It was necessary to arrange the cease-fire in stages because poor communication facilities made it exceptionally difficult for both sides to get the news of the truce to units in the field.

The final phase of the cease-fire affected an area of more than 25,000 square miles in south Viet Nam, which will remain in the French Union until full independence is granted.