
North Koreans invade South Korea

By JACK JAMES   |   June 25, 1950

SEOUL, Korea, June 25, 1950 (UP) - Troops from Communist-dominated North Korea launched a series of attacks across the border into American-backed South Korea early Sunday, fragmentary reports from the frontier said.

Reports from the 38th parallel, which divides the Northern and Southern parts of Korea, said that attacks were launched generally along the border.

They said the North Koreans were supported by tanks in the Chunchon area, 50 miles northeast of Seoul.

Early reports did not indicate how many troops were involved.

One report said that the headquarters of the South Korean Army's 1st Division at Kaesong, 40 miles northwest of Seoul, had fallen.

Enemy forces were reported to have penetrated two to three miles south of the border on the Ongjin Peninsula.

Below Kangnung, on the Eastern coast, invaders were said to have landed in 20 small craft and to have cut off the coastal highway.

The border area has been the scene of frequent guerilla clashes between North and South Koreans.

The frontier was set along the 38th parallel for mutual military convenience when American and Russian occupying forces entered Korea after the surrender of the Japanese there.

The Russians occupied the northern half and American troops took over in the south.

But negotiations between Americans and Russians regarding the restoration of full freedom to Korea broke down in May, 1946, and the border now completely separates the northern and southern Korean republics.

The South Korean National Assembly requested United States troops to stay in the country.

In Washington, Gen. Omar N. Bradley said there were only 200 or 300 American officers and men - part of a military mission - in South Korea.

Bradley would not comment on whether the United States had a commitment to defend the South Korean government in case of attack.