
Press spokesman doubts President Truman yet told of Korea conflict

Editor's Note: United Press confirmed the North Korean invasion by 9:30 a.m. Seoul time Sunday, June 25, 1950, which was 13 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time in the United States, where the time was 8:30 p.m. EDT Saturday. Correspondent Jack James by 11 a.m. Seoul time, or 10 p.m. Saturday EDT, sent the first detailed dispatches from Korea to reach the United States in time for Sunday newspapers.
By   |   June 24, 1950

KANSAS CITY, June 24, 1950 (UP) - White House press spokesman Eben Ayres, who accompanied President Truman here on his Missouri week-end trip, tonight declined comment on the reported outbreak of war in Korea.

Ayres said that he doubted any word had reached the President, who is staying at his home in nearby Independence.