
World league is assured

By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS, United Press Staff Correspondent   |   January 13, 1919

PARIS, Jan. 13, 1919 (UP) - The League of Nations can now be considered as an established fact.

Premier Clemenceau, Premier Lloyd George and Premier Orlando are pledged to support President Wilson's basic ideas in this regard. Public opinion in France, Great Britain and Italy is solidly behind the scheme.

Peace delegates are agreed that the league is an absolute necessity if future wars are to be prevented, and that it must be given preference over all other business at the peace conference.

There is still some disagreement regarding details, but they are expected to be smoothed out quickly in the conferences, which were resumed today.

Wilson's plan as a whole is unsatisfactory to the French because they believe it does not provide sufficient economic penalties for Germany. They say his proposed probationary inclusion of Germany would permit that country to start up its undamaged industries in competition with the French and Belgians, whose industrial plants were wrecked by the Germans.

Senator Bourgeois, who will head up the French section of the interallied commission to draw up plans for the league - if the conference appoints such a body - said he agrees with Clemenceau on this point. He favors excluding the central powers until they fulfill the provisions they must sign at the peace conference.

Clemenceau is understood to favor a league composed of the victorious nations. Opposition centers on the fact that such a league would force an alliance of the vanquished powers and would certainly result in another war.

Discussion of organization and methods of the peace conference proper was resumed at the second meeting of the Inter-Allied Superior Council this afternoon.

Questions connected with the extension of the armistice were expected to be speedily settled, permitting a definite program for the peace congress to be arranged.

The armistice, which was considered at yesterday's meeting of American, British, Italian and French delegates, must be disposed of before Jan. 17, when the German and allied armistice commissions will meet at Treves. Partial lifting of the blockade of the central powers is understood to be the chief problem connected with prolongation of the armistice.

The meeting yesterday was attended by President Wilson, Secretary Lansing, Premier Clemenceau, Foreign Minister Pinchon, Lloyd George, Foreign Secretary Balfour, Premier Orlando, Foreign Minister Connino and their secretaries.