Turk takes eye squirting world record
ISTANBUL, Turkey, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- A 28-year-old Turkish construction worker has broken a world record by squirting milk 9.2. feet -- out of his eye.
Ilker Yilmaz poured milk into his hand, snorted it up his nose and squirted it out of his left eye, crashing the record set by Canadian Mike Moraal, which was a paltry 8.745 feet in 2001, Sky News reported Thursday.
Yilmaz said he is anxiously awaiting word from Guinness World Records, making his feat official.
"I'm happy and proud that I can get Turkey in the record book even if it's for milk squirting," he told Sky News.
Yilmaz said he's been squirting stuff out of his eye for years, but he only recently learned there was a world record for milk squirting.
"When I saw a previous Guinness attempt on TV, I thought, maybe, I could do that too," he said.
Lottery winner retrieves stolen ticket
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- It was indeed a lucky day for a Washington man who bought a winning $25,000 lottery ticket, had it stolen and got it back within a two-hour span.
The man bought the ticket in a convenience store in northeast Washington and as he left, en route to the lottery offices to collect his prize, another man, who had been standing behind him, snatched the ticket and ran, the Washington Post said.
Within two hours, officers arrested the alleged thief and reunited the victim with his ticket. Minutes later, the D.C. Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board had cut the man a check for his winnings, minus federal taxes, police said.
Police had staked out the lottery offices and arrested a man and woman showed up to cash the ticket. The couple told police they were doing a friend a favor and, at police direction, called the friend and told him to join them. He did and was immediately arrested.
Girl gets trapped in washing machine
READING, Pa., Sept. 2 (UPI) -- An 8-year-old Reading, Pa., girl who got trapped inside a whirling washing machine, says she has learned a lesson about taking dares.
After climbing in on a dare, little Anna Moyer was thrashed around in a triple loading washing machine in the laundry room of an apartment complex, WPVI-TV, Philadelphia reported.
Once she climbed into the machine -- another child put coins in and started it up. She was trapped for more than five minutes as the machine went through its wash cycle.
"My head hurts already" just thinking about the Tuesday night experience, she told the TV news. "I won't do no dares. I won't go in it ever again."
Residents of the apartment building literally dismantled the machine to pull the little girl out.
Anna was treated at Reading Hospital and released.
Oops, forgot the prime minister
TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- No one can ignore Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's convoy: the flickering blue lights and sirens, the fleet of armored black Volvos, the bodyguards.
However this week the convoy left one person behind: Sharon himself.
The Yediot Aharonot newspaper said Thursday the convoy had set out from his official residence, in the heart of Jerusalem, to the Knesset, but only when it neared the legislature was it discovered the prime minister was not there.
Sharon was reportedly waiting in his car in a closed garage in his residence with some of his bodyguards while the others rushed off.
The convoy turned back to get him.
A spokesman for the prime minister declined comment.
"We do not respond to issues concerning the security of the prime minister," he said.