Customs and Border Protection seized about 500 pounds of unauthorized mangos at the border with Mexico Tuesday. Photo courtesy of
Customs and Border Protection
March 28 (UPI) -- Customs and Border Protection agents have seized nearly 500 pounds of unauthorized mangos at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas.
CBP interdicted a truck passing the border crossing at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and discovered prohibited items.
"Upon inspection of the vehicle and trailer, officers encountered several prohibited agricultural items within boxes and coolers, CBP said in a statement Thursday.
"Further examination revealed a total of 220 kgs of mango, 30 coconuts, 9 kgs of cashew fruit, 1.5 kgs of nance fruit, 2.5 kgs of sweet potato and about 5.5 kgs of port products," CBP said.
CBP regulates plant species entering the United States to stave off threats to agriculture and native species.
"CBP agriculture specialists enforce United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) quarantines to prevent the entry of plant pests and diseases that could damage the agricultural industry in the U.S.," CBP said.
A U.S. citizen who was driving the vehicle was issued a $1,000 civil fine for the prohibited agricultural products.
"This significant amount of prohibited agricultural items seized illustrates the important work of our frontline CBP agriculture specialist in preventing harmful prohibited agricultural products from entering the U.S.," said Laredo Port of Entry Port Director Albert Flores.