
Google working on mobile bug that produces text messages

By Ed Adamczyk

June 1 (UPI) -- Google said it's fixing a mobile glitch that allowed previously sent text messages to appear on Android smartphones, if certain phrases were typed.

The bug was discovered by an Android user on Reddit who found typing "," specifically with two periods, into the search bar causes the phone to display recent text messages.


Search keywords like "izela viagens," "zela viagens" and "vizel viagens" also brought the same result, users found. "Viagens" is Portuguese for "travel."

The anomaly evidently has no connection with a British band called "The 1975," whose website uses only a single period before ".com."

Google told BBC News the cause is a "language detection bug" that erroneously interprets Phrases as "a request to view recent text messages."

Google said it will soon offer a solution for the glitch.

Some speculated that perhaps a Google programmer who's a fan of the British band, which released a new album Friday, wrote the command code as an "Easter egg."

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