
Out-of-control car demolishes New York street

NEW YORK, June 21 (UPI) -- An alleged drunken driver struck three pedestrians and caused massive property damage after driving his car onto a New York City sidewalk, police said.

Shaun Martin, 32, faces drunken driving charges, and police later found hashish concealed in his clothes, a New York Police Department spokesman said.


Martin allegedly lost control of his rental car early Thursday in the East Village section of Manhattan, striking a 25-foot tree, a parking sign, a parking meter, a traffic light pole, a bicycle stand, an ATM, a pay phone and a fire hydrant. The hydrant flew into the air and struck a bicyclist a block away, the New York Post reported.

The car "just went on the sidewalk and started destroying everything, just went out of control," a witness said.

A store employee opening his shop, Mohammed Ali, 62, was critically injured when the car struck him. Two of his co-workers, the driver and the car's passengers were treated for minor injuries, police said.

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