
Kiss gets men booted from Santorum event

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., March 17 (UPI) -- Two men who kissed at Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's speech at a Christian school in suburban Chicago got booed and the boot, a video shows.

The shouting started while Santorum, an opponent of gay marriage, was speaking Friday at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, the Chicago Daily Herald reported. The video shows a security guard escorting the men out of the gymnasium as the shouts turned into the chant, "USA, USA, USA," the newspaper said.


Santorum resumed his speech, saying, "We will stand by the values that made this country the greatest country in the world."

The Herald said the men, identified by media outlets as Timothy Tross of Lombard and Benjamin Clifford of Algonquin, could not be reached for comment.

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