
Woman hurt by propeller takes first walk

DALLAS, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- A Dallas-area woman who was severely injured by the propeller of a small plane took her first walk four days after the accident, her family said.

The family said Lauren Scruggs, 23, was able to get down the hallway at Parkland Hospital in Dallas with the assistance of a physical therapist Wednesday, ABC News said. Her parents and twin sister said they realized her mind was working when she said "30" and then responded "steps" when they asked her what she meant.


Scruggs was hurt Saturday after a family friend gave her and another young woman a ride in a plane to look at Christmas lights from the air. After the plane landed, she walked into the propeller, which sliced off her left hand and cut up the left side of her face and her shoulder.

"We honestly didn't expect her to survive," Peter Wasserman, one of the paramedics who responded to the scene, said. "The extent of her injuries, the lacerations she had to the her head, the skull fracture. … We thought for sure there would be significant brain damage. I was praying as soon as I got there."


Jeff Scruggs, her father, said he and the rest of the family are praying that Lauren will be able to see.

Lauren Scruggs was a model who also blogged about fashion.

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