
Admitted kidnapper runs for school board

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- A California woman who spent time in a mental institution for kidnapping four girls in 1998 says she plans to run for a spot on her local school board.

Alvina Sheeley, 70, said she hasn't been cured of her illness but considers herself stable. She said she believes she has a good chance to win one of the four open seats on the board of the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, KTXL-TV, Sacramento, reported Tuesday.


The report said Sheeley, a former teacher in the school district, spent more than a year in a mental institution following her 1998 arrest for kidnapping four girls at an Illinois bus stop and taking them over the border into Missouri.

Sheeley said she kidnapped the girls because she wanted to protect them from a harmful school system, the report said.

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