
Man charged with $565,000 postal theft

HOUSTON, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- A Texas man who worked as a civilian in a post office at a U.S. base in Kuwait has been charged with stealing $565,000 in money orders.

Delmus Eugene Scott Jr., 34, of Humble was arrested Tuesday, the Houston Chronicle reported. He was named in an indictment handed up July 27.


The investigation began last year when a bank near Humble reported someone had made an attempt to deposit hundreds of postal money orders. Investigators determined the money orders were from Camp Buehring in Kuwait.

Scott allegedly stole the money orders, all for $1,000, and sent them to a woman in Texas. Between December 2009 and June 2010, the woman, who was engaged to Scott at the time, allegedly deposited or tried to deposit 565 money orders into her bank account or his.

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