
Three newspapers lose campaign plane seats

WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- Three conservative newspapers, The Washington Times, the New York Post and The Dallas Morning News, have lost their seats on Barack Obama's press plane.

Politico reported Friday that a campaign spokesman for the Democratic presidential nominee confirmed the news after it was reported online on The Drudge Report.


"We're trying to reach as many swing voters that we can and unfortunately had to make some tough choices, but we are accommodating these folks in every way possible," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said.

The campaign was making space for the outlets on the campaign bus where possible. They have also been encouraged to travel with Obama's vice presidential pick, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden.

Republican nominee John McCain has barred New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd and Time magazine's Joe Klein, who are both seen by some as Obama supporters, from his campaign plane.

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