
Kasparov released from custody

MOSCOW, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Russian opposition leader Garry Kasparov has been released from custody, a member of the United Civil Front said Thursday.

The Russian chess grandmaster was arrested Saturday in Moscow while leading a march by opposition group, The Other Russia, made up of People's Patriotic Union, led by former premier Mikhail Kasyanov, the National Bolshevik Party, headed by writer Eduard Limonov, and Kasparov's United Civil Front, RIA Novosti reported Thursday.


Kasparov, who has discussed a possible run in the 2008 presidential elections, was released about 30 minutes ahead of schedule, the Russian news agency reported. The presidential campaign season kicked off Wednesday.

Human rights advocates in Russia and around the world have criticized the Russian government for its tightened restrictions on democracy since Vladimir Putin became president in 2000.

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