
Al-Qaida leader appears on videotape

LONDON, July 5 (UPI) -- The second in command of the al-Qaida terror network appeared on a new videotape, saying the defeat of the western world is imminent.

Terrorism expert Laura Mansfield told CNN the 1-hour, 34-minute video by Ayman al-Zawahiri has the feel of a "fireside chat."


"The good omens of the new dawn of victory have begun to loom on the horizon, with Allah's permission and will," Zawahiri said on the video, which is entitled "The Advice of One Concerned," CNN reported.

"And the stage preceding victory is normally, in the history of nations, the stage in which there is most seen an increase in conspiracies, plots and inciting of discord in an attempt by the enemy, who has begun to see his defeat approach, to push back and delay the defeat as much as he can," he said.

The al-Qaida leader criticized the more moderate Fatah for fighting Hamas in the Palestinian territory, telling its members to "return to your religion, your Islam, your honor and your Arabness" CNN reported.

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