
Ill juror delays Moussaoui deliberation

ALEXANDRIA, Va., April 27 (UPI) -- Sentencing deliberations on confessed terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui in an Alexandria, Va., federal court were postponed Thursday because a juror was ill.

One of the nine men on the 12-person jury told court officials Wednesday he wasn't feeling well, and wasn't able to secure a medical appointment until Thursday afternoon, the Washington Post reported.


If the juror is up to it, deliberation is scheduled to resume Friday morning.

So far, the jury has spent 16 hours discussing whether the 37-year-old al-Qaida member should be executed or imprisoned for life for withholding information before the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The jury is following a 42-page flow-chart given them by federal U.S. Judge Leonie Brinkema to guide them through the legalities of their verdict. Only a unanimous vote can result in death by lethal injection, otherwise Moussaoui will be jailed with no possibility of release.

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